BONUS 2: Squeeze more time out of your day
Time Hack 50: 50 Ways to squeeze more out of your day
How is it that some people are able to run multiple businesses and others can barely work out what day of the week it is? Well in my experience working with thousands of successful people over the years a key component of this is effective time management.
That might sound super simple, and in some ways it is. There are many things you can do to squeeze more time out of the 24 hours you have and in this training I'll share with you 50 hacks you could implement today!
Don't worry you won't be asked to make major changes in your life, this is just to give you something to chew over and enough ideas to help you find something to gain some more of your precious time back into your life.
Time Hack 50 © - 50 ways to get more time in your day by Ayse Durmush.pdf